The Tropos Approach

How We Operate

A woman enjoys a craft beer as she sits on a standup paddleboard on an alpine lake.

We believe strong brands help people tap into a side of themselves that’s underdeveloped or hidden in daily life. We want to help brands make their customers feel empowered.

A group of young men enjoy beers around a table at an upscale bar.

We build our research and insights process around conversations in bars where people are more comfortable opening up and sharing their stories.

A view looking down at three beers of different colors and raw hops.

We go beyond surveys and focus groups and dig deep into the consumer mindset. We look below the surface and don’t take people’s answers at face value.

By listening closely and reading between the lines of consumers’ stories, we gain unfiltered insights into their real motivations and decision-making processes.

Services We Offer

A row of old-fashioned beer handles at a bar.
  • Practical insights into drinkers’ behavior and motivations

  • Positioning, portfolio, and marketing strategies

  • Data analysis and insights

  • Expert witness services in trademark and other beverage litigation

No two brands, projects, or beers are alike, so we never treat two project plans exactly alike. The plan for your project will be customized to fit your needs, but there's a good chance it will look something like this.

Our Process

Step 1

Peel Back the Layers of Your Brand

We review your current branding, your online presence, the mood in your taproom, and all points of contact with your customers to identify current brand sentiments, both explicit and latent.

Step 2

Uncover Your Own Attitudes & Motivations

We interview your brand’s stakeholders to help define what your brand stands for, who it’s for, and its reason for being so we can create marketing strategies that feel authentic to you and your customers.

Step 3

Talk to Customers & Collect Insights

We interview current and potential customers to understand them on a human level, especially their motivations in life and in drinking. No focus groups. No one-way mirrors. We conduct all interviews one-on-one, in taprooms or bars.

Step 4

Analyze Findings & Develop Brand Strategies

We synthesize the findings from the discovery and research process into a strawman brand-positioning strategy, which might include development of a brand essence, brand promise, values or emotional benefits, or brand personality documentation to inspire tactical work.

Step 5

Present & Finalize Brand Strategy

We review the strategy with you and your team to figure out what works, what can work better, and revise as necessary. No formulaic or one-size-fits-all strategies—just actionable insights tailored to your business.

Step 6

Ongoing Implementation & Support

We can draft creative briefs and strategy documentation for your agency partners, review creative work or ideas for fit with the strategy, or assist with collection or application of customer insights. 

Ready to experience the Tropos approach?

Contact Us